Sep 09, 2024 6:00 PM
Anne Bushroe & Katie Hess
Connecting Clarkston Podcast & App

We started Connecting Clarkston in April of 2023. Two moms at a soccer game chatting about ideas, jobs, passions and our hometown of Clarkston. We started our hyper-local podcast, Connecting Clarkston, that same month. We have gone on to interview around 50 local community members about our town's history, business, community efforts, and more. Podcast can be found on Spotify or Youtube. We also created & published a Clarkston themed monopoly game called "Clarkston-opoly" that highlighted all  of the iconic Clarkston institutions. This project also served as a major fundraiser for the Clarkston Family Farm. In May we launched a community app that is the hub for all things Clarkston. This is also called "Connecting Clarkston" and is available for free download on both Apple and Google.