Tonight, we celebrated the long-honored tradition of the passing of the gavel. As Stephanie’s term is coming to an end, we welcomed Jim Tedder as our upcoming 2024-2025 club President. After the ceremony, Jim provided us with a sneak peak of what he is planning for the next year; his (and our) focus will be on elevating community awareness of the Rotary Club of Clarkston, a greater effort on collaboration with other community impact groups, reviving the Clarkston Community Garden, and many more ideas yet to come. It is sure to be a fun year, so stay tuned for more happenings as Jim gets things underway.
Stephanie provided an update on the Clarkston Family Farm project and informed us that they are still working out the final touches of the raised garden beds. As she and the family head to Prague to celebrate Lou’s graduation from college, we the members would like to take a moment and thank her for her tireless leadership and passion over the past year.
Olivia Lewis, the incoming president of the Clarkston Interact Club, made a special guest appearance tonight and was able to share some of her goals. She is drumming up new ideas and ways to attract new members and would like to see the club be stronger and bigger than ever. She also shared some ideas on how to make Interact more known and accessible to students. We are excited to see where she and the club will take things this year.
Some quick housekeeping items: This month marks the beginning of scheduling meetings on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. Our next meeting will be on June 24th.  July 8th will be a going-away party for Manuela, our youth exchange student, at the Gateway on M15 near the  I75 exit. We will also be looking for a count of meeting attendees in the near future.